研究主題 Researches


臨床上,因失誤注射所導致的血管外洩,並無法簡單由肉眼觀察。當藥液由血管滲出至周邊組織時,若未即時處理,除了導致病患不舒服、疼痛外,嚴重時甚至會造成組織壞死或截肢。然而,至今臨床上並無一套簡易的非侵入式監控設備。本研究利用近紅外光技術建立一套穿戴式皮下漏液監控裝置,藉由組織中含液容積的改變,作為分析的基礎。裝置透過4顆波長760nm近紅外光發射器所組成陣列感測模組,以0.3秒高速切換的時間分光偵測模式,取得區域性的血管外洩資訊;並可利用Wi-Fi功能,將訊號傳輸至後端以色階深淺進行二維成像顯示,最後將結果紀錄於資料庫,供後續追蹤或研究之用。從假體實驗結果顯示,本裝置能有效偵測皮下深度至少2cm的漏液情形,且敏感度可達0.3 ml。裝置在多床無線傳輸的架構下,其續航力約為2-3小時,且資料遺漏率低於1%。期待藉由本研究所提出的裝置,能改善臨床照護血管外洩的死角,提供一套客觀的非侵入式監控裝置。


In clinical practice, extravasation is caused by the efflux of an injected solution from a vessel into its surrounding tissue spaces during intravenous infusion, and is invisible to the naked eye. When the drug exuding from the blood vessel spreads to the subcutaneous tissue and the problem is not dealt with promptly, it not only causes discomfort and pain, but could also result in tissue necrosis or even amputation. Given that there are still no single simple non-invasive monitoring devices for clinical practice, we propose in this study a wearable device for extravasation monitoring built on near-infrared spectroscopy (NIRS) that detects abnormal changes in volumes of fluids contained in a tissue, such as blood and drugs. The device obtains information on local extravasation through an array sensor module that consists of four 760nm NIRS transmitters and used the time-division method for high speed switching in 0.3s. It can also transmit signals via Wi-Fi to the backend for 2D imaging display based on color depth. The final results are recorded in a database for follow-up or further real-time analysis. A phantom experiment in this study showed the proposed device could effectively detect extravasation in a subcutaneous depth of at least 2cm with sensitivity up to 0.3 ml, continuity for about 2-3 hours under a multi-bed wireless transmission framework and a missing data rate less than 1%. The proposed design has the potential to be an objective non-invasive monitoring device that improves clinical care by exposing difficult to detect extravasation.

