關於實驗室 Introduction



Digital Health and Biorobotics Lab (Introduction):


數位健康暨醫用機器人實驗室 (DHB Lab) 於2020年在杜翌群教授的指導下成立, 致力於數位醫療的相關研究上。目前實驗室研究主題以研發智慧醫療器材、穿戴式輔具、醫用機器人系統與相關技術為主,研發期間亦導入新的方法或技術,打造創新及更符合使用場域需求的產品,如MR技術、仿真假體研發、高階音訊處理技術等。 DHB Lab是一個年輕有活力的實驗室,團隊始終鼓勵學生勇於創新、不畏懼困難、努力創造,並找尋新的解決方案;學習期間也培養學生所需的技能與自學能力,讓成員更有能力應付未來世界的多元發展與未知挑戰。


DHB (Digital Health and Biorobotics) Lab was established in 2020 under the instruction of Prof. Yi-Chun Du. The research in DHB is very varied such as integrated technology with smart devices for digital health care, medical robotics control, etc. During the development, new methods or technologies are also introduced to create innovative products that better meet clinical requirements, such as MR technology, elastic phantom, and high-end audio processing technology. DHB Lab is a young and energetic laboratory, we always encourage the creativeness and innovation of the young generation, willing to face difficulty and find out the new value for sustainable development. The skills and self-learning abilities that are essential for the students are also cultivated during the learning, and thus that the Lab members can cope with the diverse development and unknown challenges in the future.