研究主題 Researches


一般人24 小時尿液中的白蛋白排出量應小於30 mg/dL,若高於此數值則可能是早期的腎病變,但也可能只是血尿、藥物、發燒、運動或泌尿道感染所造成;然而根據台灣衛福部的統計發現,糖尿病合併腎病變的病例逐年攀升,一個方便、價格低廉的居家型蛋白尿的快篩設備,讓病患能在家監控自身的尿液狀況,並在持續異常時即時就醫治療,是相當重要的。本研究開發一套可攜式生物阻抗量測系統,搭配介電泳免疫晶片來實現小於30 mg/dL 的微蛋白尿偵測。由於介電泳免疫晶片的背景阻抗變化大,且依製程的不同,其阻抗曲線也相異,本研究也利用多區段的阻抗切換方式,兼顧高阻抗解析且大量測阻抗範圍的目的,並利用自我校正程式,讓系統量測時修正晶片間的差異。實驗結果指出,本系統與高價的LCR 設備的量測結果相符,且在不同尿蛋白仿體尿液中,也能準確區分出來。未來若搭配成熟的介電泳免疫晶片,相信能實際嘉惠病患。


The amount of urine albumin leakage is less than 30 mg/dL. Many doctors regard the amount of urine crosses this range as the onset of kidney dysfunction. Of course, several factors can cause higher urine albumin, such as: exercise or fever. However, according to the statistics of Taiwan's Ministry of Health and Welfare, diabetic nephropathy has increased steadily. Therefore, providing a convenient, inexpensive and fast screening device for the patients at home to continue monitor their urine albumin is very important. This study developed a Portable Device for Multi-Channel Impedance Measurement in Dielectrophoresis-chip to detect less than 30 mg/dL of urine albumin. Because background impedance of this Portable Device for Multi-Channel Impedance Measurement in Dielectrophoresis-chip have large different values, and in accordance with the different process produce different curves, so this study also use multisession impedance switching mode combined with high impedance resolution, wide range of measurement and self-correction program allow the system. Experimental results indicate that this portable device for multi-channel impedance measurement in mielectrophoresis-chip matches with expensive equipment LCR. And can be accurately distinguished in different urine samples. When paired with a mature immune dielectrophoresis-chip in the future, there will be a good contribution to the patients.

