研究主題 Researches

2018 建構一智慧孕婦穿戴式監控系統於孕程風險之評估

美國研究機構Pew Research Center 2018年研究顯示,40歲以上的高齡產婦逐年增加,且近年許多研究也指出高齡懷孕與流產、胎死腹中及早產有高度的相關;因此即時監控胎兒的狀況、預防早產的發生,在高齡產婦孕程中顯得相當重要。早產跡象嚴重時,產婦都需要到醫院做安胎治療,主要由靜脈注射安胎藥物使子宮平滑肌鬆弛,降低宮縮減少早產的發生;然而這樣長時間注射也伴隨的漏液與感染的風險。此外,孕婦只有在產檢可以監測宮縮與胎心率,以及靠自我主觀意識的胎動(FM)計數,難以有效隨時掌握腹中胎兒情況。有鑑於此,本研究建構一套智慧孕婦穿戴監控系統包含了3大部分: 1. 提供孕婦在安胎治療中的漏液監控裝置、2. 可偵測胎動位置及相對力量之孕婦穿戴式胎動感測裝置、3. 與臨床設備效果一致的穿戴式宮縮與胎心率偵測裝置。其中1. 漏液監控裝置使用了陣列感測貼片搭配映射電路,藉由調整各個感測點的權重比,開發能依據漏液量的多寡,提供不同風險程度警示的智慧裝置。2. 胎動感測裝置是利用多點慣性感測與非同步分析方法,透過每個慣性感測器(IMU)的訊號振幅強度與時間差,搭配非同步分析方法來推估胎動發生的位置與大小。3. 穿戴式宮縮與胎心率偵測裝置是以正向力子宮收縮與都卜勒超音波感測技術,結合智慧分類方法可即時進行訊號分類與警示。實驗結果顯示: 1. 漏液監控裝置的陣列感測的單點靈敏度小於0.1毫升,平均響應時間小於1秒。2. 胎動感測裝置最大感測靈敏度為8 cm的距離,在應用上3個感測器則有臨床所需的準確度87.5±7.0%,與4個感測器90.6±8.4%並沒有統計上的差異。3. 穿戴式宮縮與胎心率偵測裝置可以讓孕婦隨意行走,量測的結果與市售設備有高相關度(R2=0.98)。期待本研究的成果可以提高臨床照護品質與降低人力需求,並作為未來孕婦精準醫療之用。


In 2018, a new Pew Research Center in America survey reveals that the number of woman aged over 40 in advanced maternal age groups have been increasing yearly. In recent years, many studies have also pointed out that advanced maternal age is highly correlated with abortion, fetal death, and premature birth. Therefore, it is very important to monitor the condition of the fetus and prevent the occurrence of premature labor in the maternal pregnancy. If the symptoms happen seriously in pregnancy, pregnant women will be required to take tocolysis treatment with the use of intravenous fluids to relax uterus muscle and reduce contraction, reduce the incidence of premature labor in hospital. However, such long-term injections are accompanied by the risk of leakage and infection. Pregnant women can only monitor uterine contractions (UC) and fetal heart rate (FHR) at birth check-ups, as well as self-subjective fetal movement (FM) counts, making it difficult to effectively grasp the fetal condition in the abdomen. In view of this, this study constructs a wearable intelligent system for pregnancy monitoring and clinical risk evaluation that contain three major parts: 1. Providing fluid leakage monitoring device for pregnant women in the treatment of tocolytic, 2. Pregnant woman wearable FM sensing device capable of detecting FM position and relative force, 3. The CTG detection devices that are consistent with clinical equipment. Among them: 1. Fluid leakage monitoring device using an array sensing patch and mapping circuit can be applied to the weights of each sensing point to evaluate different risk levels. 2. The sensing device of FM is proposed as a integration method of multi-IMU sensing and non-synchronous analysis. Through the amplitude and time difference of the IMU signal, and combined the non-synchronous analysis methods to assess the position and force of the FM. 3. A wearable CTG detection device which is designed by using self-developed positive force UC and Doppler ultrasound sensing technology, and combining with wireless transmission and intelligent classification methods. The proposed device could immediately carry out signals classification and warning signs as well. Experiment result shows: 1. Fluid leakage monitoring device a single point in the array sensing patch needs only a small amount of liquid (< 0.1 ml) to directly detect fluid leak, and the system response time is less than 1 seconds. 2. The sensing device of FM had a maximum sensing sensitivity of 8 cm, in comparison with 3 IMU sensors and 4 IMU sensors, their high-accuracy measurement were about 87.3±7.0% and 90.6±8.4%, respectively, and there was no statistical difference. 3. A wearable CTG detection device signed for pregnant women to walk anywhere, and it had the same high-degree of correlation (R2=0.98) in comparison with commercially available equipment. The results of this study are expected to improve the quality of clinical care, reduce the needs of manpower, and serve as an accurate medical treatment for pregnant women in the near future.
